While looking through some pictures on my computer the other day, I ran across a few images of an optic that I fondly remember taking home for a run down. The optic in question was the 1-6X24 Low Power Variable Optic. Like most things I love, it is not an overly complicated device. It’s robust, simple, and dependable. All things I am very much down with.
What’s to be said about low power variable optics that hasn’t already been said? As it turns out, not much. Like many shooters, I find them highly useful on modern sporting rifles, but I’ve theorized the LPVO would be extremely handy on rimfire rifles and lever actions as well.This type of optic is fantastic for use inside of 300 yards. They offer a great field of view and transition quickly for up-close use as well. Not only these things but LPVO’s are typically more compact than the standard 3-9 or other larger bell optic.
I got the hankering to bring the Axeon 1-6X24 scope home again for some shooting on a couple different rifles. Namely, I wanted to shoot this optic on a newly built .300AAC rifle, and then swap it over to my Marlin 1895G in .45-70. Likely this scope will find a permanent home on the later of the two rifles.

Shooting Something Besides .223? No Worries
What I find interesting is that both of those calibers are particularly well suited for hunting whitetail deer and hogs, both of which are available in abundance here in the Natural State. The supersonic .300 AAC round produces roughly 2/3rds the power of the old lever action standby, the .30-30 Winchester. While availability might still be a little questionable, there are plenty of loads being made for this newer .30 cal round for hunting, range, and self-defense. I’ve picked up a few boxes of ammo specifically for hunting and I can’t wait to get after some hogs with them!
The Marlin 1895 has recently been in the headlines as it was brought back into production by Ruger who bought Marlin in 2020. While my example is not the new production 1895 SBL that has been released this year, it is still a fine example of the hard hitting lever action. Truthfully, I’d prefer to have about 4 more inches of barrel, but my G-model is perfectly suited for woods stalking and convenient carry afield. And, whether I’m hunting deer or hogs, I’ll be hunting them within 150 yards, perfect range for a fat 45 caliber slug to do its thing.

Back to the optic– Either rifle is perfectly suited for the Axeon 1-6X24. The bright, clear glass offers an extremely sharp view of the field. The eye relief is just right in the sweet spot, not too close and not so far away it makes mounting difficult. WIth a fixed 100 yard parallax, there’s nothing slowing the hunter down when a shot is needed quickly. When hunting, I tend to treat an optic like they are fixed power anyway. My go-to magnification is 4X. The 4X setting offers a decent field of view and just enough magnification to clearly bring the target and its fore-ground into sight fast.
The Axeon 1-6X24 does have a dot style reticle which just so happens to correspond excellently with both the .300 AAC and .45-70 Govt rounds. In .300 AAC a supersonic round will drop about 8 ¾ inches by 200 yards. In .45-70 Govt, the slug will drop 9 inches by about 140 yards.
A target estimated to be in these ranges can be shot by holding down on the first dot below center. For hunting with either round, I’ll not be going out any further, but should you be curious, the second dot below center will have you banging the steel at 300 and 200 yards, respectively. With other rounds like the ever-popular .223 Rem/5.56, the first dot down from center will allow you to happily bang the steel plate from around 300 yards out to about 350 yards.

So many optics are tailor made for a specific round which can be a good thing… if that is the round and barrel combination you are shooting. But not everyone is slinging lead downrange with the same cartridge. Personally, I prefer a rifle scope that has a scaled reticle than a BDC reticle. No, I’m not opposed to a BDC reticle, but, like most everything, they have their place. In the hunting world, especially, there are so many different cartridge options available. I’ve never seen a reticle tailored for the .45-70 or 8mm Mauser or .30-30 Winchester. But such rifles with a scaled reticle make for a highly useful combination.